Scientist driven by research looking through microscope | Science + Berries

We are driven by
research and science

Our science

We develop formulas that bring real results and ensure any claims we make about the ingredients in our products are fully supported by published scientific literature. By applying cutting edge science based on the latest clinical research, we bring you products with unprecedented health benefits. 

Quality seal for organic and natural supplements that are safe and manufactured in GMP certified facilities

We are dedicated to high quality and safety. All of all our products are clinically tested and made in Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facilities. 

Purity seal of organic and natural supplements that are non-GMO, no artificial flavors or colors and gluten free

We keep things pure. All of our products are non-GMO, contain no artificial flavors, colors, wheat, soybeans, dairy, egg, tree nuts and are gluten free.

Potency seal of organic and natural supplements independently verified for label claims

What we say is in our products is verified independently to ensure we meet our label claims and products are free from contaminants.

Fresh blackcurrants and blackcurrant extract powder containing anthcyanins | Science + Berries


Powerful antioxidants

Anthocyanins are plant compounds or also known as flavonoids or Vitamin P. We discovered anthocyanins unique to New Zealand blackcurrants that don't exist in any other fruit or vegetable and researched its strong natural wellness abilities.

Brain and eye health illustration | Science + Berries

Brain & Eye Health

Vision and focus

Skin, Hair & Nail Health

Beauty and youth

Beauty and youth illustration | Science + Berries
Balance and energy illustration | Science + Berries

Digestive & Heart Health

Balance and energy

Scientific blackcurrant claim, 50% decrease in eye, shoulder and lower back stress
Scientific blackcurrant claim, 123% increase in good gut bacteria leading to less irritation and inflammation
Scientific blackcurrant claim, 64% decrease in inflammation leading to improved skin
Scientific blackcurrant claim, 11.4 pounds decrease in body weight and fat in 6 weeks

Research and publications

3072+  publications about blackcurrants – read research

637+    publications about blackcurrant anthocyanins – read research 

214+    publications about New Zealand blackcurrant – read research

Woman with beautiful and healthy skin | Science + Berries

Ready to get picky
with your supplements?